Sunday, March 30, 2008

Day 15

Today I weighed myself, took Bodyfat measurements and tape measurements. Good news and bad news.

Bad news first. My weight is largely the same, 242.25 which is only a .5 lb loss. but the rest is good news. I actually lost 1/2 percentage of body fat so that's 1.3 lbs fat lost and .8 lbs muscle GAINED. here's how the rest of the measurements stack up:

chest: 44.25 (-.25)
belly: 45.75 (- 1.75) Totally stoked.
hip: 43 (-2)
butt: 47 (-1)
thigh: 20.75 (-6.25) Totally stoked
calf: 18 (+.5) Totally stoked.
Neck: 17.75 (- .75)
bicep/bicep: 15.5/17.25 (down 1.1 rested and Up .25 flexed)

I'm very happy with these results. It's good I'm not just basing my success results on weight. I can already feel I'm sleeping better, and my clothes are looser. I have much more energy during the day.

This week I'm going to experiment with a modified Zone diet (45/30/25) given that I'm an endomorth body type with some mesomorph mixed in.

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