Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 3

Well, I'm a little sore from my workout yesterday, but it's one of those 'good sores' ya know? I'm in Houston and have a day of standing around on my feet followed by a big dinner with clients. You know how that goes. It's going to be a challenge to get my workout in because I forgot my white socks, gym shorts, and tennis shoes. They are in the trunk of my car. I had planned to transfer them.

The good news is I purchased the BFFM book yesterday and went through the goal setting workshop. I set a pretty big friggen goal using the affirmation technique. Given that I'm a practicing member of a Center for Spiritual Living, this part was easy. After all, I have a whole religion based on affirmation.

so here it is...drum roll please...

"I am the most fit I have ever been in my life. At 180 lbs, I am full of muscle; you can see my rock hard abs. that’s because I have single digit body fat. I love going to the gym, it’s a part of my everyday life. My body is a temple of God , I am the strongest I’ve ever been. "

Pretty cool huh?

eve update. I had plans to stop at the store and pick up some gym clothes today but my travel party wanted to get to get right to dinner. I ordered healthy - filet mignon 8oz instead of 12 and lots of vegetables. I skipped desert and only had 2 pieces of bread. I feel good. Drank lots of water.

Gonna hit both cardio and weights tomorrow and read BFFM on the plane ride home. I love reading my affirmation... I think I may put it on my monitor at work.

Thank you God for helping me believe this can be done.

with love (and sweat)


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