Sunday, March 30, 2008

Day 15

Today I weighed myself, took Bodyfat measurements and tape measurements. Good news and bad news.

Bad news first. My weight is largely the same, 242.25 which is only a .5 lb loss. but the rest is good news. I actually lost 1/2 percentage of body fat so that's 1.3 lbs fat lost and .8 lbs muscle GAINED. here's how the rest of the measurements stack up:

chest: 44.25 (-.25)
belly: 45.75 (- 1.75) Totally stoked.
hip: 43 (-2)
butt: 47 (-1)
thigh: 20.75 (-6.25) Totally stoked
calf: 18 (+.5) Totally stoked.
Neck: 17.75 (- .75)
bicep/bicep: 15.5/17.25 (down 1.1 rested and Up .25 flexed)

I'm very happy with these results. It's good I'm not just basing my success results on weight. I can already feel I'm sleeping better, and my clothes are looser. I have much more energy during the day.

This week I'm going to experiment with a modified Zone diet (45/30/25) given that I'm an endomorth body type with some mesomorph mixed in.

Day 14 Sat

i'm catching a chest cold, but I didn't let that get in the way of an awesome workout. I surprised myself with pushups. Given that I've been working out at a number of different gyms, it's hard to really compare strength gains, but pushups are pushups. Last week I did 6 + 6, this week I did 10+10. The goal is 15+15 and I think I'll make it.



Saturday, March 29, 2008

Day 13

I was so afraid I wasn't going to get in my cardio today, but my daughter wanted to take an hour nap so, off to the gym I went. I got the new Cardio Coach. I highly recommend this guy. It's made me work harder on the cardio equipment than I normally would

Hey, this is my first recommendation link.

Day 12 Thursday

Thursday was a great day. I did my first weight workout in the new gym and they have such great equipment. They cute guys are motivation too. It will be nice to live so close to a nice gym. I'm getting stronger on my "plane" exercise. Last week 30sec, this week 40sec TWICE.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Day 11 Wednesday

Wednesday was a big day for me. Went to a new gym in Willow Glenn and man is it nice. no whirlpool or sauna but everything there is beautiful. This will be my new gym home I think. I have been stepping on the scale and watching the weight just come off. Eating really clean 50,30,20, and I'm sleeping much more soundly at night. I am requiring more sleep though. My body seems to want at least 8 hours. this means if I hit a 6am cardio class, I'll need to get to bed by 9:30-10pm which will be a lifestyle change.

The buy a turkey on Sunday and freeze 1/2 of it seems to work out well. I think I'll do the same next week with a big ham.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 10 Tuesday

I had a trade show today and was able to sneak in a workout during the break. I'm amazed at the energy I feel when I work out. I'm so grateful. kicked ass on the plane (superman pose) went from 20 sec to 30 sec.



Day 9 Monday

So here it is, pics taken Sunday. Weight = 242 lbs.
I was surprised at how big i look in these pics because of all the visualization i've been doing. Still, a dose of reality is quite helpful. These were taken AFTER the first week so we'll see what week 12 holds.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Day 8 Sunday

Well; my plan was to take yesterday off and enjoy my brunch with Jen. I certainly didn't over eat at brunch but afterwards I was motivated to do an hour walk at Vasona park. the weather was amazing and I could really feel it in my legs. I also purchased a nice cardio coach mp3 30min and enjoyed it on my walk.

Last night i cooked a turkey and cut it into 4oz turkey breast sections. it tasted really good for lunch today. I was up so late with the turkey though that that I missed the Monday morning workout, and I'm blogging a day late. More on Monday in a bit.

I also had Jen take my before pictures that I'll be posting later on this blog. "My accountability to cyberspace."



Saturday, March 22, 2008

Day 7

I know I was supposed to wait until Day 7 to take measurements but I just couldn't. what I discovered is that I'm down to 242.75 which is a 3 pound loss. Here's the really terrific news, I actually had a 9 pound fat loss and a net 6 pound muscle GAIN! I'm totally stoked. Hard work and discipline paying off. I'm not really that sore.

Tomorrow I am going to an expensive Easter Brunch with Jen and will try not to gorge myself. It's a day of rest.

I didn't get to my weight workout until around 11pm because i joined a friend for Thai dinner.

I'm going to have Jen take a picture of me tomorrow on day 7 (before the brunch).



Friday, March 21, 2008

Day 6

It's Friday.
I love the fact that the BFFM is so long as it gives me a chance to bite off the content in chunks.
Last night I did really well at my daughters' banquet. More on that later.
I stepped on the scale at the end of the day and found a huge weight gain. It was after my cardio workout. Then I remembered I drank a ton of water and ate sushi high in salt. I didn't sweat it literally or figuratively. when I woke up this morning my weight as normal and I had actually gained some muscle mass. My REAL weigh in isn't until Sunday morning. I'm not concerned if I lost any weight because I feel fantastic.

Today i printed and bound the BFFM book in a binder. I also discovered's free calorie resource guide and tracker. I can't believe it's free. I'm still waiting for the kicker.

Here's an awesome story of inspiration:

One of the 100 reasons: Reason #4 why I took up this journey to change my body was to be a role model to my daughter.

Last night at her basketball banquet, she was surprised to receive an award for the most improved model. I was so proud of her. I realized on my drive home that she, in fact, is a role model for me. her drive, her enthusiasm, her honesty. She's my greatest love.

today is a big weight day. I'm headed right now to the gym and am totally stoked.



Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day 5

I discovered that if I get to bed at midnight after doing a cardio and a weight workout from 8:30 to 10pm that I cannot get up at 5:00am to do a weight workout. I'm going to have to get to bed before 10pm each night. That's a lifestyle change.

Tonight, I'm going to have to thread the needle with my workout. i'm leaving at 4:30pm to do it. and have to be at my daughter's bb dinner at 6pm.

Oh, I took some measurements
Chest: 45" Belly 47.5 Hip 45, Butt 48, Thigh 27, Calf 17.5, Neck 18.5, Bicep 16.5 (17 flexed)

so it's a way before picture.

I've also made modifications to my daily mantra based on data I've learned from BFFM. I have it posted on my PC at work.

"I am the most fit I have ever been in my life. At 187 lbs, i have 170 lbs of muscle. I can see my rock hard abs and have 9% body fat. I love going to the gym, it's a part of my everyday life. My body is a temple of God. I am the strongest I have ever been. "

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Day 4

Today was a great day. Not only did I manage to get both my 30min of Cardio in from my missed w/o yesterday, but I got my weight workout in too. 2 hours in the gym. The cardio was easy because I got to watch American Idol.

I continue to make distinctions of what I want to look and feel like. I'm doing a lot of visualization which motivates me. I've gotten to the first 100 pages of BFFM book and I've learned a few things. One of the lessons I learned is I don't need to get down to 180 lbs. 186 lbs will work just fine.

Here's the math:

right now i'm carrying 31.8% body fat. At 249 lbs taken this afternoon, that translates to 170 lbs of lean muscle mass, if I go with 9% body fat, that means I get to keep the muscle + 9% or get my weight down to an ideal 187 lbs.

The weight loss is not as important as the fat loss and now I know how to manage it.

I'm going to borrow my daughter's camera this weekend and take a few before shots. I'm thinking a front shot relaxed, a front shot sucking it in, a back shot and a side pose relaxed and sucking in. i'll get today's paper too.

I'm very proud of how well I did on my diet today traveling from Houston since 2:00am.

I'm getting ready for bed. I have a 6am spinning class i'm attending tomorrow. Oh No!!! I've written it, now I gotta do it!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 3

Well, I'm a little sore from my workout yesterday, but it's one of those 'good sores' ya know? I'm in Houston and have a day of standing around on my feet followed by a big dinner with clients. You know how that goes. It's going to be a challenge to get my workout in because I forgot my white socks, gym shorts, and tennis shoes. They are in the trunk of my car. I had planned to transfer them.

The good news is I purchased the BFFM book yesterday and went through the goal setting workshop. I set a pretty big friggen goal using the affirmation technique. Given that I'm a practicing member of a Center for Spiritual Living, this part was easy. After all, I have a whole religion based on affirmation.

so here it is...drum roll please...

"I am the most fit I have ever been in my life. At 180 lbs, I am full of muscle; you can see my rock hard abs. that’s because I have single digit body fat. I love going to the gym, it’s a part of my everyday life. My body is a temple of God , I am the strongest I’ve ever been. "

Pretty cool huh?

eve update. I had plans to stop at the store and pick up some gym clothes today but my travel party wanted to get to get right to dinner. I ordered healthy - filet mignon 8oz instead of 12 and lots of vegetables. I skipped desert and only had 2 pieces of bread. I feel good. Drank lots of water.

Gonna hit both cardio and weights tomorrow and read BFFM on the plane ride home. I love reading my affirmation... I think I may put it on my monitor at work.

Thank you God for helping me believe this can be done.

with love (and sweat)


Monday, March 17, 2008

Day 2

Well I did it. I went to the gym this morning. it was a familiar smell, like I was coming back home. I didn't think I was going to have enough time to do the workout because I had procrastinated. I got through the workout with more strength then the last time I did this which feels good.

I still haven't taken a before picture. thought of a few more reasons to add to my PRW.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day 1

It's Sunday night 6:50pm and I'm a little frightened. Following the inspiration of Adam Waters, I'm chronicling my journey, my transformation from flabby to fit. My first goal - work like hell for 12 weeks and see how far I can progress.

Here are the stats:
age 44
Ht: 5' 9"
Wt: 245lbs
bf: i'll have to find my calipers later. i know it's high though.

what's my plan? i'm not clear on the details yet but it will probably involve a combination of weight watchers and a year long workout i found in Men's Fitness. Yes it's march and I'm starting in the middle of the year but that's okay.

My long term goals?
I've documented about 50 goals so far but the biggest ones include being fit by the time i meet 6000 of my closest choral friends at the international GALA festival. I want to look on the outside how I feel on the inside. The choral festival is July 12th so that gives me exactly 16 weeks to have my body transformed. it's a good goal.

As I start to make progress, I'll share more and more about my motivation and progress. I need to get someone to take a before picture for me ;)

