Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday Day 59

Okay... I'll just say it right now. Traveling Internationally is friggen hard to keep your training and nutrition up to date. I Flew from San Francisco to London and back within a week.

Results? I gained 4 lbs when i stepped on the scan Friday. (I'm certain it was 4 lbs of salt) from the airplane/airport food. The good news is it all came off by Sunday. so from 4/30 to 5/12 my weight went from 237.5 to 237 and my body fat increased .02 so i actually gained 1/3 of a pound of body fat an lost 4/5 of a pound of muscle. I am very proud of these results.

Lessons learned:

1) Pack food. Although it's not entirely clean(corn syrup) i found the Promax bars (290cal 50/30/20) to be a good way to keep the # of meals up.

2) Water water water on the plane. Stayed away from apple/cranberry cocktail which is basically red dye swimming in corn syrup. Went with OJ, Diet Soda, and water.

3) Find a gym. Yes... working out on cardio equipment that measures kilometer and kilograms is daunting so I just went with body feel and my iPod.

4) Enjoy the local food, but don't overdue it. Because I ate clean much of the time, i was able to treat myself with Fish & Chips in London one time.

5) When you get back home, get right back on your eating plan. I resumed my weekend warrior routine and got some nice yardwork in. Today - it's back in the gym.

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