What a difference 14 years makes!
I spent much of the weekend pouring through old Franklin Planner journals to see if i could track evidence of prior weights to 2005 and my records were indeed spotty. I did, however find a weight of 176lbs and 15% body fat measured 12/1/1994. At the time I was married to a woman (for 6 years), working out several days a week in a 31 year old body and quite miserable inside. My marriage was not going well. Who knew that 4 years later I would have the courage to come out. I have a graph projecting that time, various events in my life, and when i began tracking my weight loss attempts.
It takes a lot of courage to look at oneself this way, Dan. I'm very proud of you.
Thanks Boo.
Wishing you all the best DAN and luck in the future. You deserve it!
Wow that's amazing to see the ups and downs like that - I don't think I could do that I would just get upset, so congrats on having the courage to put that all together. Glad to see the line going DOWN now!
Thanks Joni...for me it's the gut punch...the reality check that says...no more with the yo yo....i used to be thin...i close my eyes and i visualize that body...i know i'll get there again with hard work.
Hi Dan, came by again to check out your blog and got worried seeing you hadn´t posted recently. Hope things are better now. There´s a new *diet* out there now that seems interesting. Is by Allyn Cosgrove, Warp Speed Fat Loss. Might be fun to check it out. Thinking of you today and wishing all the best.
Have a good weekend. Thinking of you.
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